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Diversity-Recruiting: Is it Only for Compliance Purposes?

Diversity-Recruiting: Is it Only for Compliance Purposes?

Workplace diversity programs have progressed over the years to be less about compliance and more about impacting real change in company culture. Federal contractors and subcontractors should always make sure they meet Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) regulations, but every organization can benefit from having a recruiting strategy on diversity. JobTarget has some helpful recruitment tips for landing diverse, skilled candidates.

Diversity is represented in several ways including age, gender, nationality, sexual orientation, individuals with disabilities, and veterans. As you recruit, you should develop ways to connect with these groups and know what types of policies your organization has in place to support your efforts.

According to Glassdoor’s 2020 Diversity & Inclusion Workplace Survey, 32% of job seekers and employees would not apply for a job at a company where the workforce lacks diversity.

The OFCCP Blueprint

Whether you’re a federal contractor or not, your organization will benefit from using OFCCP compliance standards as a guideline for your own recruiting efforts. You should audit your own policies, have an annual Affirmative Action Plan (AAP), develop tracking information of candidates and employees, review pay equity, and more. Collecting this information can help with your statistical analysis to meet current standards and monitor the necessary skill sets of the groups being recruited for your open roles.

Update Your Job Ad Language

Review and identify the language in your job postings that may unintentionally turn away qualified candidates from underrepresented groups. Use objective terminology that is neutral to the job posting. For example, using terms such as “rock star” may inadvertently spark more interest in male candidates than women. You can also add equal employment opportunity statements in your ads to encourage applications from all diverse groups of candidates.

Get involved

Community involvement is a key element in adding diversity to your recruiting efforts. By working with local outreach and top diversity sites, you can generate a talent pipeline that is always open to those entering the workforce. As you get involved in these types of practices, your organization’s reputation as a diverse and inclusive space will grow.

Eliminate and Reduce Unconscious Bias

Learn to identify, educate, and reduce unconscious bias in your organization’s recruiting practices. There are several techniques to decrease and eliminate bias. When recruiting, consider blocking out the personal information on the candidate’s resume. This approach helps take subconscious bias and judgments out of the equation. You can also organize or take unconscious bias training courses. Removing bias in the hiring process is critical to making the best candidate selection.

Recruitment Software Helps

You can leverage Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) and Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS) to support your diversity recruiting. By using algorithms and performance-based technology such as programmatic job advertising, your ads will be optimized, improve application processes, and reach candidates without any biases.

Celebrate Diversity

Establishing a diverse workforce brings new perspectives from those with different backgrounds and strengthens an organization’s brand.  Diversity and inclusion should not be thought of only as compliance requirements. According to McKinsey, a more diverse and inclusive organization is 35% more likely to outperform their competitors. It increases morale, fosters creativity, and helps retain talent.  

For more tips on diversity, check out our blog on how important it is to have a diverse workforce when recruiting. 

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